Cancellations can be frustrating for both riders and driver partners, which is why the cancellation fee is in place to ensure that drivers are fairly compensated for their time when committing to a trip.
• If you cancel within 5 minutes: You will not be charged a cancellation fee.
• If you cancel after 5 minutes: The cancellation fee for the cancelled trip will automatically be charged to your next trip. Before you cancel a trip, you will receive a notification to ensure that you are aware of the fee that will be added to your next trip.
• After completing your next trip, the total fare that you will pay will include the fare as well as the previous trip’s cancellation fee.
• If you have cancelled multiple trips consecutively, the cancellation fees for the multiple trips will accumulate as arrears and prevent any more requests from going through. In such cases, you are expected to clear the arrears using an alternative payment method, such as a credit or debit card. Once the payments in arrears have been cleared, you will be able to request a ride with The Life First as usual.
Cancellation Fees:
• BLS: ₹50
• OTHERS: ₹50
• ALS: ₹80
If you feel that a cancellation fee has been unfairly charged, please use the in-app Help feature (from the menu located on the top left corner of the TheLifeFirst app) to bring the particular trip to our attention.